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By Ben Kong
Although most people logically acknowledge that chemicals in food are bad for them they do not really understand the full implications especially its direct connections to the metabolism and storage of excess body fat.
Firstly, the more chemicals that a person consumes from their food, the harder the liver must work to metabolize and flush out all of the toxins from the body. What does this have to do with fat loss? The liver is the bodys number one fat burning organ and its health and function is closely related to how lean your physique will be. The more time it spends processing chemicals (including alcohol), the LESS it has to properly regulate your metabolism, burn fat and keep you looking lean and toned.
Here’s some statistics to clearly put you in the picture:
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) currently lists about 2800 international food additives and about 3000 chemicals added deliberately to the food supply. Including chemicals used in food production from ground to stomach, the number rises to between 10,000 and 15,000.
William Kellas and Andrea Dworkin -Surviving in a toxic world There are currently over 100,000 chemicals approved for use in Europe alone with over 8000 more added each year.
The Danish Environmental Authority entered all that was known about 40,000 chemicals into a database and concluded:
20,624 to be dangerous, of this number 9,538 acutely dangerous when consumed.
A further 9,668 incur allergic reactions.
1678 are mutagenic.
642 incur cancer.
Another massive problem with processed foods is that almost all of them contain refined white sugar. This can be in several forms such as sugar, sucrose, corn syrup etc but the bottom line is that all are highly detrimental to your health and achieving the body you deserve. This section is quite detailed but its important that you know the TRUTH about how white sugar just totally destroys your ability to get lean and muscular and with this knowledge eating clean becomes a powerfully sane choice.
The following information comes from Sugar Blues by William Duffy. Why is sugar toxic to the body? In 1957 Dr William Coda Martin tried to answer the question: When is a food a food and when is it a poison? His working definition of “poison” was: “Medically: Any substance applied to the body, ingested or developed within the body, which causes or may cause disease. Dr Martin classified refined sugar as a POISON because it has been depleted of its life forces, vitamins and minerals.
This is why the KEY principle above all else in your eating plan will be to eat only natural, unprocessed (and organic whenever possible) foods. Reducing the chemical build-up and intake will get your liver burning fat and speed up your metabolism so you are a better fat burning machine 24/7.
Obviously with the amounts of chemicals most people typically consume from the foods they generally eat, the liver cannot process them all so they become stored in the body until they can be processed. If the chemical barrage would stop these chemical stockpiles would get around to being processed but unfortunately since there are more chemicals taken in every day, the stockpiles get larger and larger. Also many of these chemicals cause an acidity in the body that needs to be neutralized lest it literally burn and damage cells and tissue including your hard earned muscle that you spend hours in the gym developing.
About the Author: Ben Kong is the author and co-creator of
– The Impossible To fail, Total Lifestyle System For Creating Your Best Body Ever. Click here to discover how to transform your body beyond belief rapidly.
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